Tuesday, May 13, 2008

8eight + 2

Hello everyone!

So, I guess I could miss the closing ceremony of the Hi Seoul Fest! hehe
Oh well, I'll just have to wait a few months for the next Hi Seoul Fest (it's held every season).

I forgot to post a pic from the interview Chris and I had with R&B group 8eight.

8eight (Joo-Hee, Lee Hyun and Baek-Chan)

They were really outgoing and I was pleasantly surprised to find that they were also down-to-earth. Their vocal skills impressed us, especially when they bust out with that impromptu acapella performance of "I'll Make Love To You." They are a very talented bunch, to say the least.

Here's a video of them. They mentioned that their videos are very popular on the net--you can find a bunch of them on YouTube.

Anyway, check out the video of the interview on Star Chat .
It hasn't been uploaded yet, but it should be up soon enough. The interview was also featured on Sunday's KPI.

Allrighty, I'll leave you with a random picture of socks you can buy almost anywhere on the streets of Seoul.


rs+ said...

I like his glasses.
The one who's wearing the white and weird sunglasses.


Marc said...

I loved then second album.
Sorry for no ask or say hi then!
Please divulgate then!!! They must be reknow!!!!

CaliforniaNancy said...

ㅎㅎㅎㅎ Chris looks so silly & goofy in the picture with 8eight, but in a totally cute way though. And Sarah you were rocking that outfit girl!